Thursday, November 18, 2010

The First Real Glitch it's November. And mid-November at that. Stacey and I have almost completed our 'year of nothing new.' First off: I can't believe it. Second off: I'm so glad that its already November, because I've hit the first real challenge. The first thing that's going to be really hard for me to not rush out and buy is:


Apparently, the Cardinals recorded a couple albums they never released before Easy Tiger and this was one of them. Pre-sale starts on Tuesday.

Sidebar: For those of you who don't know me, I am a HUGE music fan. And at the top of that list of artists is Ryan Adams and his band The Cardinals (who haven't put anything out in almost 2 years because he 'retired' from the music business.)

But you know what? I have 4,000 other songs I can listen to in the next month. And half of them I probably haven't even ever heard. Now that's abundance.

Its so funny too, because just yesterday, my friend Monica was asking me what the first thing I was going to rush out and buy January 1rst. I said that I honestly didn't feel the need to buy ANYTHING. Which is great and kind of the whole point. But there's always an exception, and this album is the perfect one for me.

Can't wait for 2011.


1 comment:

  1. It's lovely to observe ourselves at times like these. There's this complex and powerful system in the animal brain that just narrows our focus from the whole world right down to a single point and screams I NEED THAT. It's so nice that you're doing this practice where you can watch your brain do that, and then take a breath and see that you needn't believe everything you think, as it were. Certainly having and not having III/IV won't appreciably affect your wellbeing over the next six weeks. And contentment with what we have, and learning how our monkey minds work, and practicing a discipline of growth is of vastly more value than any Adams album. (Gosh that was hard to even write! But true, I think. Probably.)
