Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Presents That Have Presence

Yesterday was my birthday, and because I have such wonderful people in my life, I received some wonderful gifts. So many of them weren't physical gifts...things I could hold in my hand and later throw into a closet. These gifts were virtual, a set of yoga classes via a podcast from Stacey(my blog-mate), and a song my boyfriend Mike wrote and recorded for me. My friend Faith gave me the gift of an afternoon together yogaing, lunching, and hours talking and laughing. My mother gave me a gift card to a restaurant which in turn I had a nice meal out with Mike. My friend Monica is planning a birthday outing which will more than likely include dinner and a concert. I also received an array of cards and lovely notes and messages.

These gifts were better than any trinket because they involve time with the people I love, activities to enjoy life, and in turn were so very meaningful. I encourage you to think about what it is you are giving, the next time you have to give a gift. Make sure to give a little of yourself!



  1. I love restaurant gift cards!

    Happy birthday!

  2. You forgot to mention that your mom also gave you new undies in case you ran out this year!
    Love you!
